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M.T. Everest is Right

M.T. E verest is R ight This is the rule to figure compass readings. Magnetic to True East - Right West - Left True to Magnetic East - Left West - Right You could remember these directions as they are but I have a simple and fool proof way to deeply stick this into your mind. So this is my new trick M agnetic to T rue E ast is R ight. Remember this as a starting point. From here everything can be unfolded. True to Magnetic West is Right, Magnetic to True West is Left...etc. Lets do an easy problem. In 1908 the Magnetic Declination was 12° E. the Bearing recorded was N57°18'E. What was the true bearing? Well magnetic to true east is right so 57°18' turned right 12° turns out to be N69°18'E.
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Subdivision and Zoning

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Where to start

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Why take the exam

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